Interactive Automation Days 2020
Location: Digital / Online
Interactive Automation Days: Meet our experts – discover our innovations
Even more exciting technology, even more valuable information, even more direct discussion – and even closer contact with our PC-based control experts! As a supplement to our appearance at the SPS Connect 2020, we cordially invite you to a completely new, highly attractive event format: our Interactive Automation Days.
What awaits you? A live-stream program that is full to the brim and illustrates all facets of PC- and EtherCAT-based control technology with even greater intensity in vivid formats rich in dialog. Whether lecture or roundtable, chaired technology presentation or Q&A live session: The most experienced Beckhoff experts are at your disposal for direct dialog for three whole days.
Tuesday, November 24, 2020 |
Flexible and modular automation |
03:00 p.m. | 25 years of Bus Terminals, a revolutionary idea became a fundamental element of automation Michael Jost | Senior Product Manager I/O systems and EtherCAT |
03:25 p.m. | PC-based control: first steps into the Beckhoff system Béla Höfig | Product Management TwinCAT Fabio Innocenti | Product Management Industrial PC Irina Koring | Product Management I/O |
03:50 p.m. | The ultra-compact Industrial PC generation Felix Wildemann | Product Management Industrial PC |
04:15 p.m. | Compact, strong, reliable: the Beckhoff power supplies Christian Jürgenhake | Product Management I/O |
Break | |
Product update |
05:00 p.m. | I/O product innovations and extensions Michael Jost | Senior Product Manager I/O systems and EtherCAT Sina Sampl | Product Management I/O |
Research & Development |
05:25 p.m | GAIA-X, the data space for digital Industrie 4.0? Gerd Hoppe | Corporate Management |
Wednesday, November 25, 2020 |
Innovative and smart automation |
03:00 p.m. | XPlanar: Flying Motion Felix Schulte | Product Management XPlanar |
03:25 p.m. | TwinCAT Machine Learning: scalable, open and in real-time Dr.-Ing. Fabian Bause | Product Manager TwinCAT |
03:50 p.m. | TwinCAT Vision: integrates image processing into the automation Michael Busch | Product Manager TwinCAT Vision |
04:15 p.m. | TwinCAT/BSD: Operating system for Industrial PCs Heiko Wilke | Product Manager Embedded PC Jannis Höwelkröger | Product Specialist Embedded PC |
Break | |
05:00 p.m. | Implementing intelligent operator interface concepts in Industrie 4.0 environments using IPC platforms with integrated cloud communications Roland van Mark | Senior Product Manager Industrial PC Dr.-Ing. Josef Papenfort | Senior Product Manager TwinCAT |
Product update |
05:25 p.m. | Product innovations and extensions for the drive technology range Dirk Hansen | Senior Product Manager Drive Technology Sven Arne Lange | Product Manager Drive Technology Christian Mische | Senior Product Manager Drive Technology Michael Pfister | Senior Product Manager Drive Technology Angela Vogt | Product Management Drive Technology |
Customer services |
05:50 p.m. | By engineers for engineers: the Beckhoff sales team Stefan Sieber | Sales Kai Ristau | Head of International Sales and Business Development |
Thursday, November 26, 2020 |
Product update |
03:00 p.m. | Product innovations and extensions for the Industrial PC range Roland van Mark | Senior Product Manager Industrial PC Fabio Innocenti | Product Management Industrial PC |
Cloud- and data-based automation |
03:25 p.m. | Smart engineering directly in the cloud: TwinCAT Cloud Engineering Sven Goldstein | Product Manager TwinCAT Connectivity & IoT |
03:50 p.m. | TwinCAT Analytics: from data acquisition to one-click dashboard Pascal Dresselhaus | Product Manager TwinCAT |
04:15 p.m. | The TwinCAT Module Type Package: standardized interfaces for modular systems Dr.-Ing. Henning Mersch | Product Manager TwinCAT Laurids Wetzel | Branch Management Process Industry |
Break | |
Dynamic and safe automation |
05:00 p.m. | The new generation of highly dynamic linear servomotors Andreas Golf | Senior Product Manager Drive Technology Angela Vogt | Product Management Drive Technology |
05:25 p.m. | Compact Drive Technology: the new generation of servo terminals Dieter Lippe | Product Management I/O Marvin Düsterhus | Technical Support |
05:50 p.m. | TwinSAFE: Product innovations and extensions for the safety range Dr. rer. nat. Martin Früchtl | Safety Technology |
#beckhoff #interactive #autmoation #days #program #signup #sps #ipc #epc #motion #drives #xts #xplanar #show #digital #nuremberg #industrial #innovation #leadership #technology #cloud #engineering #EtherCAT #TwinCAT #vision